Your Step By Step Checklist for Creating Passive Revenue in Your Business

In this blog, I walk you through the exact steps you need to take in your business to create a high-converting sales funnel that allows you to generate sales every day in your business whilst working less. If you want to automate your sales in your business, this blog is for you.

The thing is, you cannot scale your business with a 1:1 business model. When you work with individual clients while offering a service such as coaching, virtual assistance, consulting, etc., you have a maximum client capacity. For example, if you are a virtual assistant and you charge 2K per month for each client, and your max number of clients is 5, your income is capped at 10K.

How do you fix this problem? By turning your expertise into a course or group program. By running courses and group programs, it means you can keep the cash flowing in, even when you’re not working. 

Consider this blog your passive income cheat sheet.



STEP ONE: Create an irresistible Opt-In Page

Your free offer here is key. It's not just a giveaway; it's the first impression you make with potential customers. So, always over-deliver when doing your freebies. The more value someone gets from your freebie, the more likely they are to invest in something paid.

Now this part is absolutely key - you need a clear, specific and enticing end result or outcome for your freebie. The more tangible the end result, the better. In other words, what one thing will people walk away with?

When thinking about the end result your freebie provides, don't speak broadly like “How to increase your business' revenue".

Instead, try to solve a small problem, for example "How to get 5 new high-ticket clients this week in your business". Doing this helps you create a more tangible end result.


You might be wondering what kind of freebie you should create. There are a lot of different options, including a guide, Masterclass training, a checklist, the list goes on. All have their pros and cons. 

For example a Masterclass is great for building trust as people can see your face, hear your voice and learn more about you.

A guide or checklist, on the other hand, doesn’t make it as easy to build this trust and there’ll likely be more nurturing required before someone is ready to invest. However, if you’re running ads, things like guides are typically a lower cost per lead. 

We have used both masterclasses and guides, and both work. It’s all about trailing and testing to see what your audience responds best to. 


STEP TWO: Have a Value-Packed Low-Priced Offer

On your thank you page, introduce an affordable low priced offer packed with value. Our low price offers are usually priced $17-$47 and are super irresistible. This makes them a real no-brainier.

There are two reasons why low price offers are so effective in a sales funnel: 

1.It’s a great strategy to cover your ad expenses.

2.Low price offers are a great way of converting people for the first time. You can then upsell these people into your main offer. Plus, even if people do not know you very well yet, they are still likely to purchase if your low price offer sounds irresistible. 

When creating your low price offer, keep in mind that it should relate back to your freebie in some way and lead nicely into your core offer. All offers need to be related in some way. 

Our content templates are one of our best converting low price offers.


STEP THREE: Add an Order Bump at Checkout

Boost your revenue by adding a small, yet attractive order bump at checkout. It's a simple way to increase what your ideal client spends without being pushy.

Your order bump should be a little less than your previous low priced offer.

This is not only a way for you to increase the amount people are spending and help cover ad spends, it’s also another opportunity for people to learn more from you and receive more value from you, and so warming them up nicely for your core offer.

Your order bump does not need to be a full sales page like your other offers, just a small paragraph on a checkout. Keep it to about four or five sentences.


STEP FOUR: Create a Sales Page for your Core Offer

When creating your core sales page there are a few things to keep in mind…

1.Have a clear, specific end result. This goes for all of your offers, free or paid. You always want to pinpoint that enticing outcome people are going to get. People will invest for the end result more than anything else.

2.Show the price vs value. You want to make it really clear on your sales page how the value you are providing outweighs the price. One way of doing this is by listing everything included and showing the worth of each thing.

3.Make the return on investment clear. Another key reason why people purchase is because of the return on investment. What kind of return on investment can people expect after working with you? 

4.Show what makes your offer / you different. Chances are, the people who land on your sales page have invested in other people and offers before, and maybe been left disappointed. Explain what makes this offer and you different.

5.Handle objections. What might be some of your ideal clients’ objections when they land on your sales page? Money or time maybe? Break down how exactly you will help them make their money back and more, or how your offer will end up saving them time.


STEP FIVE: Create an Engaging Email Sequence

This email sequence will be triggered as soon as someone opts in for the initial freebie. Before selling them into the core offer, send them more valuable free resources to help build their trust. You can also send them to your YouTube, podcast, Facebook group etc.

Then send a few emails about your low price offer in case they missed it on the thank you page or forgot about it.

Then sell into your core offer. Now here it’s crucial that you are sending emails that are what I like to call evidence-based content. In other words, share a ton of client wins and testimonials. People are unlikely to invest unless you can actually prove you can get results. Make sure you add the screenshots for social proof.

You could also have time sensitive bonuses or discounts. This helps to encourage people to purchase now rather than later. 

Pro tip: Send out an automated email to everyone who clicks on the sales page but does not purchase. Send a short sweet email just saying you noticed they checked out the sales page and asking if they have any questions. 


STEP SIX: Scale with a Sales Team

Once you see profits rolling in, it's time to level up. Bring in a sales team member to refine and boost your strategy's conversion rates. In your email sequence you can direct people to book in a call with your sales team if they have any further questions or want to learn more about the offer.


reating passive revenue in your business doesn't have to be difficult once you’re clear on the steps. Then once you have your sales funnel set up, you can begin to attract, nurture and convert your ideal clients every single day on auto-pilot. By following this step-by-step checklist, you can build a high-converting sales funnel that generates consistent sales while freeing up your time.

If you need support with creating your sales funnel, my team of experts can help you. Message me over on Instagram here for the details.   


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