How to Hit Your First 10K Month, 30K Month Vs 100K Month in Business

 How to Hit Your First 10K Month, 30K Month Vs 100K Month in Business

The things you focus on when scaling to your first 10K month will be different from the things you focus on when scaling to consistent 30K months. The things you then focus on when scaling to consistent 30K months are different from the things you focus on when scaling to 100K months.


With every new level, there are new parts of the puzzle including new strategies, new systems, new processes, and new mindset obstacles. 


In this blog, we dive into what exactly you should be focusing on when scaling to your first 10K month Vs your first 30K month Vs your first 100K month in business. 


Scaling to 10K Months in Your Business


When scaling to your first 10K month in your business, it’s likely that it’s just you because you probably won’t have the cash flow to invest in a team in these early stages. As a result of this, it’s really important to simplify everything you’re doing and focus on one thing at a time to avoid spreading yourself too thin and burning yourself out. 


When scaling to 10K months, you need to be focusing on:

◾ One offer, one strategy and one platform. Perfect one offer before you start creating new offers, perfect one strategy before you start implementing new strategies, and perfect one platform before you start trying to show up everywhere on social media. 


◾ Finding a strategy that feels aligned to you. When scaling to consistent 10K months, it’s crucial to find one strategy that suits how you work and your lifestyle and feels good to you. Then you can rinse and repeat that strategy.


◾ Managing your time. When scaling to 10K months and doing it without a team, you’re wearing all of the hats. Make sure you are looking after yourself, not just your business. 


◾ Audience growth and brand awareness. Growing your audience is key no matter if you’re brand new to business or a 7 figure entrepreneur - lead generation should never stop! But it’s especially important in these early stages of growing your business when people don't know who you are and you have a small audience.     


◾ Gaining as much social proof as you can. It’s important to position yourself as the go-to expert for your niche and your offer and to build your reputation as much as possible at this stage. This is what will build your ideal client’s trust in you. One of the best ways of doing this is by sharing social proof i.e. client results, case studies and your own experience. 

Scaling to 30K Months in Your Business   


When you’ve started hitting consistent 10K months, you have a proven concept, you’ll likely have a decent size audience, and you know you have an offer that sells. But the strategies that got you to consistent 10K months aren’t necessarily going to be the strategies that get you to 30K months in your business. 


When scaling to 30K months, you need to be focusing on:


◾ Perfecting your sales processes to generate sales every day. We have a well-structured sales funnel that guides potential customers through the buyer journey. Each stage has been tested and optimised for conversions. This sales process allows the business to generate an average of 4 figures cash every single day. 


◾ Creating a system to generate and track leads every day. Our business has hit multi 7 figures and we still focus on lead generation every single day. This never stops. But the fortune is in the follow up, remember! Don’t just generate leads, track them and follow up with them.


◾ Hiring further support so you can work on your business not in your business. Your team will be the best investment you make in your business because they will allow you to work so much less and also help you to scale so much faster.


◾ Building up your recurring revenue. Having subscription based services and payment plan options can help you create a consistent stream of income every month. When you start building your recurring revenue, you know you’re going to hit a certain amount every month. Anything you then launch stacks this income. Focusing on recurring revenue makes scaling so much easier and so much quicker. 


◾ Diversifying your streams of revenue to create more income. When scaling from 10K months to 30K months, it’s time to start adding more offers to your product suite. This then allows you to up-sell and cross-sell to existing clients.


Scaling to 100K Months in Your Business    


If you are looking to scale to that 100K month milestone, it really is about working smarter rather than harder in your business more so than ever. 


When scaling to 100K months, you need to be focusing on:


◾ Automating, automating, automating! Leveraging technology as much as possible is going to be key. You’ll want to automate as much as possible in your business at this stage, including your sales process. This allows you to then build a business that grows and makes money with or without you.


◾ Adding additional strategies to bring in leads and sales so you can scale further. When scaling to 100K months, you should have a pretty good budget to put towards paid ads to help attract even more people to your world even faster. 


◾ Expanding your product suite to support your retention strategy. When you have a varied product suite, you have more opportunities for selling and growth. You will have a good client base by this point so it's about keeping as many of these clients on as possible. 


◾ Outsourcing everything that does not require your face and voice. This will allow you to work even less in your business. You should be focusing on £1,000 tasks remember, not the £10 tasks.


◾ Looking at hiring specialists who can help you with further growth. Examples of this might be an ads specialist or a sales team. These kinds of investments will help you to multiply your revenue and fast-track your growth in your business, and allow you to work less at the same time. 



In this blog we explored the different things you need to be focusing on in your business when scaling. Lots of factors come into play here, including things like audience size, reputation and cash flow / ad budget. 


When in those early stages, it’s important to focus on perfecting one thing at a time. The more you scale past those 10K - 30K months, the more you can then begin to expand and explore new strategies, create new offers and show up on different platforms. 


We’d love to know where you’re at in your business and what you need the most support with right now. To learn how we can support you in scaling to your next level of income, message us on Instagram here

Do you want to scale your business to 10K months in the next 90 days? I am looking for 10 people for my new case study program. DM me the word CASE STUDY on Instagram (@_laurieburrows) to learn more.