LIVE! The 6 Figure Coaching Business Bootcamp: Dec 18th - Dec 20th @ 11:00 AM BST AND 7pm BST

ATTENTION COACHES & TRAINERS: Do you want consistent clients & sales?

Learn How To Launch, Grow and Scale Your Coaching Or Training Business To Multiple 6 Figures This Year.

Get your ticket for $297 FREE.

Join me live on the 18th December - 20th December
at 11am BST / 6am EST OR 7pm BST / 2pm EST









This bootcamp is for you if you want to discover how to...


✓ Create a coaching business that fits around you

What is the point of having your own business if you are spending 24/7 on your laptop worrying about where your next client is coming from? I am going to show you how to scale your coaching business whilst travelling the world or being a full time parent.

✓  Utilise the power of social media to get consistent clients

You do not need to be on social media all day every day. 15 minutes a day is all it takes to get consistent clients and sales on social media. I am going to show you how to use social media to attract, nurture and convert your ideal clients when you have limited time. 

✓  Grow an audience full of 'take my money now' buyers

Building a ready to buy audience is key to getting sales. I am going to show you some simple steps to grow your audience daily and turn them into ready to buy buyers. 

✓  Implement the top strategies 7 figure coaches are using

We have all been there... looking at other successful coaches in our industry wondering 'how are they getting so many clients?' No more guessing. I am going to show you the top strategies coaches are using right now to scale to 6 and 7 figures.
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This is why you need this bootcamp...


Anna joined our last free bootcamp and the day after it finished made £6000 in sales!

Plus as soon as you sign up to the bootcamp there will be an opportunity to make money straight away!


These are just some of the results our clients are getting from what I will be teaching you in the bootcamp...

This client woke up to over 5 figures in sales!

This client made over 6K in sales in one day!

This client had a 5 figure month while only working 4-5 hours per day!

I've seen enough, I need this!

Learn The Top Strategies For Getting Consistent Clients...



Understanding why people buy is vital for getting consistent sales and clients. I will be sharing with you the top reasons people buy and what impacts their purchase decisions. 


25th September 2023



Now you know why and how people buy... it is time to create content to attract, nurture and convert your ideal client. I will show you the content that creates a 'take my money now' audience.


26th September 2023



We have saved the best until last. On day 3 of the bootcamp I will be showing you a full 360 quick cash injection strategy to take your audience from lurkers to buyers. 


27th September 2023

get your free ticket

Plus you will get access to £1000's worth of resources & courses including:

Live Trainings:


 Each day you will get access to a live training to help you grow & scale your coaching business. We have two times each day to accommodate for different time zones. 

Support & Feedback:


 You will get access to a private group where you can ask questions, get feedback and network with other business owners, coaches and trainers



Our amazing clients have put together the most ultimate goody bag full or resources & courses to help you scale your business & get clients. 

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Meet your host

7 Figure Inernational Trainer & Mentor... Laurie Burrows!

3 years ago I left the corporate world behind me to start up my own business with £700 in my bank account.

But after just 6 months of launching my business, I nearly gave up because I was so burnt out from endless sales calls & live launching.

Then in 2020, I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant. So, I put an end to my 1:1s & sales calls and turned my expertise into a course. I hit multiple 6 figures that year.

But as well as being a new mum, I recently lost my dad and my nan who were the two closest people to me in the world.

Despite all of the heart break and sleepless nights over the last year, I have gone from working in my bedroom hiring my first employee in February 2021 to now having a 7 figure business, 100k cash months, an entire building floor as my office and a huge team of full-time employed members.

The same is possible for you. No matter where you are in your business right now!


In the space of just 2 years of starting my coaching business, I quit my job & hit my first 100K month. Now I generate multiple 4 figures every day.


I went from a job that was paying me £35,000 a year working 40+ hours a week to having a business that was generating 50-100K turnover every single month and paying me over 6 figures every year whilst only working 15-20 hours a week in less than 2 years.

I am going to show you how you can too.